The Routier Family

Darlie Routier
26 years old when she was arrested on June 18, 1996 for the murders of her two older sons, Devon and Damon. She was convicted of Damon’s murder on February 4, 1997 and has been on Texas’ death row since then.

Darin Routier
Husband of Darlie Routier and father of their three sons. He was 28 years old when Devon and Damon were murdered. He divorced Darlie in 2011.

Devon Routier
Six years old at the time of his death on June 6, 1996.
Damon Routier
Five years old at the time of his death on June 6, 1996.

Drake Routier
7 months old at the time of his brothers’ murders on June 6, 1996.

Darlie Kee
Darlie Routier’s mother.

Sarilda Routier
Darin Rautier’s mother
The Neighbors
Karen Neal
A friend of Darlie’s who testified for the defense. The Neil family lived across the street from the Routier’s.
Gustavo Guzman Jr.
18 years old in 1996. He resided with his family at 5706 Willowbrook.
William Gorsuch
Lived across the street from the Routier’s.
Nelda Watts
Lived across the street from the Routier’s at 5802 Eagle Drive.
The Judge
Mark Tolle
He presided over Darlie’s trial.
The Prosecution Team
Greg Davis, Toby Shook, and Sherri Wallace – Assistant District Attorneys of Dallas County, Texas.
The Defense Team
Douglas D. Mulder – former prosecutor Doug Mulder was hired by the Routers to represent Darlie. He replaced Doug Parks, Darlie’s court-appointed attorney, on October 21, 1996.
Richard Mosty – a Kerrville, Texas attorney who served on Darlie’s defense team; Mulder’s assistant.
Curtis Glover, S. Preston Douglass Jr., and John Hagler – attorneys who served on Darlie’s defense team.
John Hagler – an appeal attorney who served on Darlie’s defense team.
Lloyd Harrell – Dallas- based private investigator for the defense.
Douglas Parks – Darlie’s court-appointed attorney. He was replaced by Doug Mulder in October, 1996
Wayne Huff – Darlie’s court-appointed attorney. He was replaced by Doug Mulder in October, 1996.
Crime Scene Investigators
James Cron – retired crime scene investigator with over 30 years experience. The Rowlett PD requested his assistance within hours of the murders.
William Parker – former Dallas police officer and private investigator. Testified for the prosecution.
Rowlett Police Department
Jimmy Patterson – lead detective in the case.
Chris Frosch – Patterson’s assistant
David Waddell – first officer on the scene.
Matthew Walling – second officer on the scene.
Steve Wade – officer who secured the entrance to the Routier’s house in the early morning hours of June 6, 1996.
Thomas Ward – discovered the sock in the alley behind the Routier’s house.
Steve Ferrie – Participated in the search for evidence around the Routier house.
David Mayne – photographed the crime scene and supervised the collection of evidence.
Charles Hamilton – processed the Routier house for fingerprints.
Medical Examiners
Joni McClain – performed Devon’s autopsy.
Dr. Janis Townsend-Parchman – performed Damon’s autopsy.
Kathryn Long – forensic serologist who collected blood samples at the crime scene.
Charles Linch – trace evidence investigator who analyzed blood and fiber evidence.
Judith Floyd – forensic lab supervisor at Gene Screen.
Robert Poole – firearm and tool mark examiner at the Institute of Forensic Sciences.
Carolyn Van Winkle – DNA analyst.
Tom Bevel – Bloodstain pattern analyst.
Alan Brantley – Supervisory special agent with the F.B.I.
Dr. Vincent DiMaio – forensic pathologist and medical examiner in Bexar County, Texas.
Dr Lisa Clayton – psychiatrist who met with Darlie in the Dallas County jail.
Paramedics and Fire Department
Jack Kolbye – first medical responder to the scene. Tended to Damon.
Brian Koschak – arrived with Jack Kolbe. Tended to Devon and Darlie.
Larry Byford and Eric Zimmerman – Second medical responders to the scene.
Baylor Hospital Staff
Dr. Alejandro Santos – physician who performed Darlie’s exploratory surgery and stitched her wounds.
Dr. Patrick Dillawn – Tended to Damon upon his arrival at the hospital. Checked Darlie’s wounds each day that she was in the hospital.
Christopher Wielgosz – ICU nurse on duty the morning of June 6th.
Phyllis Jackson – Corporal with Baylor Hospital police department.
Jody Cotner – Nurse and trauma coordinator on duty the morning of June 6th.
Dianne Hollon – Registered nurse on duty the morning of June 6th.
Paige Campbell – Registered nurse on duty the evening of June 6th.
Denise Faulk – Registered nurse on duty the night of June 6th.
Other Witnesses
Okie Williams – Personal banker at Bank One in Rowlett, Texas.
Halina Czaban – Polish native and Barbara Jovell’s mother. Did light housekeeping (laundry, cleaning) at the Routers on June 4th and 5th.
Barbara (“Basia”) Jovell – Halina Czaban’s daughter. Darlie’s friend and Darin’s employee at his computer board business.
David Rogers – Pastor of a church in Mesquite, Texas. Conducted funeral service for Devon and Damon.
Barry Dickey – president of Graffiti Productions in Dallas, Texas. Eliminated background noise on the 911 tape to make the voices clearer.